It’s time to return to the Digital World for another deep dive into the series, this time looking at Digimon Adventure 02 (2000).
Read MoreWe know that mutants are coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe eventually. And, well, they come with their own unique complications. Here are four storylines from the comics that could act as inspiration for how mutants and the X-Men can be brought in.
Read MoreA deep dive into the “How the Mighty Fall” mission story in Hitman 3’s Dubai level to see how it functions as a subtle tutorial for both new players and old.
Read MoreDo you ever get those days, where it’s the middle of Winter, and all you want to do is curl up into a ball and roll around on the ice? No? Well, at least there’s Spheal, they understand what I’m saying.
Read MoreThis week is going to be a bit of a different kind of post. Rather than going deep into a particular subject, this is going to be a few smaller sections about things that don’t feel like they are enough to make a up a full post on their own.
Read MoreThere is a lot to love about Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, but it is one that is impossible to talk about without calling particular attention to its fifth episode, “A Dark Quiet Death”.
Read MoreFairy Tail is an incredibly expansive series. The core group that we follow consists of seven characters, with the entire Fairy Tail guild playing important parts throughout. By the end, it becomes a story that spans not only two continents, but centuries of time. So, how do you start something like that? Well, you keep it simple.
Read MoreThe Tommy Westphall Universe Hypothesis is a theory that has existed and grown over decades. The basic concept boils down to the idea that a huge number television shows belong to a single connected universe, and that universe exists in the mind of a child, Tommy Westphall.
Read MoreHere is my definitive list of the player types that I have noticed on a Minecraft Realm.
Read MoreThe New Mutants is a movie that mixes genres in a way that should have felt really interesting and fresh, but instead ends up feeling incredibly disjointed. Let’s take a look at one big reason why.
Read MoreGiven that we are currently hitting the apex of the holiday season, our first ever Dex Dive will be spent looking into the most Christmasy Pokemon of all, Delibird.
Read MoreThis will compile just about everything we currently know for every upcoming MCU project, looking at both the movies and Disney+ series.
Read MoreVeronica Mars is a case where each one of the four plots is unquestionably about its title character. Not only that, but they intersect repeatedly throughout, to the point that it becomes difficult at times to narrow down what a scenes purpose is. This isn’t a bad thing; it’s like a complex braid, each strand wrapping together to create a more interesting, stronger whole.
Read MoreAfter a recent playthrough on the Unsupervised Nerds Twitch channel, it got me thinking. In all these years, though it has always been one of my favourite games, I don’t remember ever doing more than just skimming (or skipping) the signs or dialogue in this game. And this realization led to a wonderance: Is there a deeper lore to Super Mario 64?
Read MoreIn the final arc of Digimon Adventure (1999) the Digidestined return to the Digital World, but this time they come by choice. The fate of two worlds are on the line, and the children are ready to do everything in their power to save them both.
Read MoreThe Halloween season is upon us. A time when it’s fun to dress up, eat candy, and maybe have a few spooks. Thankfully, many TV shows have made a habit of creating Halloween Specials to help us get into the spirit, but where to start?
Read MoreDigimon Adventure (1999) is full of lighthearted humor, especially in the English dub where extra jokes tends to be thrown in. While this remains to be true during the Myotismon Arc, here is where the series demonstrates how serious it can get.
Read MoreThis weekend had Minecraft Live 2020 streamed to Facebook, Youtube, Twitch, as well as their own website. It was a fun event that brought in members of Mojang Studios as well as appearances by content creators who specialize in Minecraft.
Read MoreThe Marvel Cinematic Universe is ready to begin what it has dubbed phase 4 with the release of Black Widow aiming for next May. With three phases already complete, it’s worth looking into what exactly these phases are used to delineate.
Read MoreThe news came out very recently that Sony was working to develop a television series based off the character Silk, presumably to help build out their Spider-Man universe (AKA the Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters).
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