Take One Step

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The past year has been a big one for me. It started back in October 2017, then when January came around I decided to title the year ahead. 2018 became the Year of Building. Corny, I know, but that's who I am.

I hit a low point in my life but sprung back more determined than ever. I accomplished a lot, all of which I'm extremely proud of, but the most obvious bits are having started Unsupervised Nerds and losing a ton of weight. The weight loss especially has caused me to get the same question a lot: how did I do it?

I always feel weird giving an answer. People seem to expect something big, some giant change I made to my entire life in order to live better. But the truth is, I did very little. Or at least, it always felt that way. To start all I did was making myself do single sets of home workout routines that I found on Pinterest, 3-4 days a week. It took maybe ten to fifteen minutes each day I did it, barely anything at all. As I continued, it got easier, and I eventually I pushed further with my workouts. Then I started changing my diet. Then I changed it a little more. It was all about creating good habits out of small things and then growing them naturally as I kept going.

That's the thing this year has taught me more so than anything else. The way to do anything, especially for someone like me, is to just do it. In some small way, just start going. Momentum will build, and it will become easier and easier with each passing day. Starting is the hardest part, but once that happens, you've done it.

Back in January when I titled the year, I wrote myself a mantra to go with it. Take One Step. A single step puts you further than you were before. That first step is the most important and hardest part, but I know if I talk about maybe doing something, it'll never happen. The only way I get something happening with me is to just start.

And this blog is just the next step. I'm pushing Unsupervised Nerds further in the way that feels most natural to me. The podcast is great, and now with this I’ll be able to supplement it with smaller things between episodes.

So that's what started all of this and will continue to drive it all forward. Taking one step at a time. Trying to grow it into something real. We'll see how it all goes! At the very least, even if nothing ever comes of it, I've done something, and that's enough to be proud of.