Posts in Blog
Episodes to Boost My Mood

When the world gets too crazy, when life gets too rough, sometimes it can be nice to take a step back and escape into fiction for a short time. One way I like to do this is with a marathon of particularly fun episodes of shows I love. These aren’t necessarily the best episodes of the series, but they are ones that tend to make me happy.

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Fear Sucks

Fear is a part of every life. I can’t speak for how anyone but myself has lived, but for me fear has been a very invasive and ever present force around me. It has taken many forms, some of which I have discovered are probably social anxiety. On it’s own, fear isn’t necessarily the worst thing in the world, but there have been times which it has paralyzed me. When fear reaches a point that it stops me from doing things I should be doing, then it becomes a real problem.

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Personal Career List

This blog is really becoming a weird hybrid of looking into nerdy storytelling and personal posts. Not sure how well it is working out, but it’s how I’m letting it roll for now. Warning in advance, this is going to be more of the type that is all about me.

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New Year 2019

I wasn’t going to write anything for New Years. I probably wasn’t even going to write anything for a few weeks while I try to catch up on all the things I let slide over the holidays, but then I read a post on Neil Gaiman’s Journal.

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First Rewrites

Everyone has a different writing process, and today I want to talk about part of mine. This part of the process is the first rewrite. To lift the veil a little bit, the reason this part is on my mind right now is because it is what I’m currently working through on another project.

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Procrastination is a huge problem of mine. Even today, I had a different idea of what to write, but I put it off, and put it off, and finally this felt like the more apt topic to work through. I had found myself unmotivated to write a post and needed to give myself a reminder of how to get it back.

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